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Floatation therapy is a perfectly still experience with no contact points, no movement, and no postural muscle action. When you’re free from gravity, your body has a chance to rest and recover up to 4 times faster than regular bed rest. This reduces blood pressure and oxygen intake, as well as, increases blood flow and distribution of red blood cells. The combined effects aid in flushing lactate, cortisone, and adrenaline that may have built up during exercise. Floatation therapy also helps loosen the muscles and give athletes a greater degree of control over their nervous systems. This reduces the risk of injury, accelerates the recovery process, and releases vast quantities of endorphins. Endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller, help relieve pain from injuries, soreness or chronic pain in the muscles and joints. The release of endorphins to kill pain is a completely natural and powerful effect, working alongside natural healing and repair processes. The benefits of floatation therapy on the body include:
Accelerate Muscle Recovery
Lower Blood Pressure
Reduce Swelling & Inflammation
Muscle Tissue Regeneration
Ease Joint Pain
Relieve Back & Neck Pain
Relieve Migraines & Headaches
Body Cleanse & Detox
Improve Nerve Function
Soothe Nervous System
Boost Magnesium Levels
Strengthen Bones
Improve Circulation
Generate Proteins
Accelerate Metabolism

We know that our brain is comprised of a left hemisphere (responsible for logic and analytical thinking) and a right hemisphere (responsible for intuition and creativity). Floatation therapy promotes hemispheric brain wave synchronization that results in overall mental health and enhanced cognitive performance. While floating, our brain is free from all the distractions of daily life including light, sounds, and gravity. Up to 90% of brain activity is subconscious calculations of movement in relation to gravity and sensory perception. Floatation therapy deprives this external stimulus, and provides the brain with excess energy and thinking capacity to focus on things like repairing the body, cognition, and visualization skills. Floatation therapy often transitions the brain waves from our usual Beta state (awake and alert) to Alpha state (transition between sleep and awake), and even lower to Theta state (hypnotic and extreme relaxation). This enables you to freely explore your mind and help expand your consciousness and awareness. The benefits of floatation therapy on the mind include:
Enable Complete Relaxation
Relieve Stress
Elevate Mental Clarity
Accelerate Learning
Enhance Alertness
Improve Problem Solving
Heighten Senses
Reduce Fatigue & Jet Lag
Reduce Anxiety
Overcome Addiction
Conquer Depression

Everything you experience during floatation therapy comes from within yourself. With the pressure off your physical body, you’re enabled to freely explore your mind and your inner world. It starts with Theta brainwaves, the ones that happen as you drift towards sleep, floating between states. Marked by a flash of insight that is quickly forgotten, Theta waves are a realm of the subconscious. With no distractions of the outside world, you are in a place of vivid mental images, visionary inspiration, and insightful creativity. It’s the perfect time to reflect on your life, resolve existential dilemmas and examine personal insights. Floatation therapy can also be thought of as training wheels for meditation. Floatation therapy has been shown to help even novice participants experience extended periods of Theta state activity, normally available only to advanced students of meditation. The benefits of floatation on the spirit include:
Increase Creativity
Deep Meditation
Acute Sense of Bliss
Experience Transcendence
Balance Energy
Magnify Your Purpose
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone float?
Floatation therapy can be done by nearly anyone from stressed-out managers, overworked moms, athletes, pregnant women, artists, those suffering from chronic pain, and those individuals just wanting to escape from everyday life and experience a state of complete physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.
We do need permission waivers signed for anyone under 16 years of age, and a parent must be present. People with kidney problems are unable to float due to magnesium. Pregnant women in their first trimester should consult their physician. Finally, we recommend that if you suffer from any medical conditions (clinically-diagnosed depression, etc.) that you consult with your primary care physician prior to floating. Those with contact lenses will be provided with a contact case and solution to store your contacts while you float.
No one under the influence of any illegal substance is allowed to float and anyone suspected of being so will be asked to leave and may risk being asked not to return.
What if I am claustrophobic?
It’s not as bad as it looks. The space inside our luxury, round pools is 8 feet in diameter, you are always in complete control and can open the door and go in and out as you’d like. Since there is an absence of space, time and sensation, it is difficult to feel claustrophobic within the pools.
How often should I practice floatation therapy?
While you can float every day without harm, we find that the relaxing effects of a 90-minute floatation therapy session typically last beyond that day. For best results, we recommend regular sessions, and many clients find that floating once or twice a week provides the most benefits, depending on any conditions for which you are floating.
How long is a floatation therapy session?
Our sessions are based on 60, 90 and 120-minute increments. All perfect for beginner and advanced floaters as well.
What will it be like for me?
We don’t know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. Nearly every customer reports having profound peace and relaxation, as well as deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before your floatation therapy session, so they aren’t influenced by someone else’s experience. Not only will it be different for you than it is for anyone else, it will be different each time.
Do I need to prepare in any way?
No. There are only a couple of things worth mentioning. We advise that you avoid shaving on the day of your floatation therapy session. The high salt content can irritate freshly shaved skin. We also provide Vaseline for any small cuts or scratches. We also recommend being well hydrated and not eating a heavy meal before your floatation therapy session.
Will I be able to resume my daily activities when I get out?
Yes, and it may be good to arrange your time so you don’t have to rush. Many people enjoy savoring the peace and quiet before jumping into something hectic. We have a relaxation room to help you keep that “post-float” glow and integrate your session before going back out into the world.
Is there a cumulative effect of using floatation therapy on a regular basis?
Yes. There seems to be a cumulative effect with consistent floatation therapy. Each floater finds slightly different results based on their needs and state of their health. Relaxation is also a learned art that needs practice.
What do I need to bring?
Since you float in the nude, there’s no need for a swimsuit. We provide earplugs, towels, soap, shampoo, conditioner as well as a hair dryer. If you wear contacts, bring your case. If you have longer hair, you might want to bring a brush or comb and a hair tie to tie your hair up during your floatation therapy session (long hair can sometimes be a distraction as it touches the skin).
Do you wear anything during a floatation therapy session?
Since it is a private experience, most people don’t wear any clothing. Anything you wear will press against your body, becoming a distraction. Additionally, there are laundry soaps and dyes in the swimsuit that can be transferred into our pools. In this regard imagine it as similar to getting into your bathtub. You have an inside lock on your float room door for complete privacy.
What can I do to enhance my floatation therapy experience?
Most importantly…relax. The pool will help but if you arrive relaxed, the experience will be more beneficial for you. To help that, we suggest taking an oxygen therapy session for 15-30 minutes before your session. To do either, please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before your session begins.
There are a few additional things to consider:
Remove your contacts prior to your floatation therapy session (a case may be provided to you).
If you have caffeine before your floatation therapy session, it may interfere with your ability to relax.
If you consume beverages of any kind, having to get up and go to the bathroom will also interfere with your ability to relax.
What if I fall asleep or cannot swim?
The water is only about 11″ deep and has a very high density of salt. This water is buoyant and will support you regardless of your size or weight. You will float like a cork atop the water. If you were to turn over the salt in the water would sting your eyes and wake you. Since you are floating you do not need to know how to swim. In addition, it’s not dangerous to fall asleep in the float pool. We actually encourage it! You’ll wake up very refreshed and rebooted.
What is Epsom Salt?
Similar to the Dead Sea, Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate) is a mineral which has been shown to help detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system, trigger the release of endorphins, and provide relief for physical, mental and emotional stress, pain and fatigue. Epsom salt is actually quite nourishing for the skin, which may feel silky smooth after your floatation therapy session. More information about the wonderful benefits of Epsom Salt can be found here: epsomsaltcouncil.org
What happens if I get salt water in my eyes?
It is going to sting. But we have a fresh water spray bottle & washcloth inside of the pools to rinse your eyes with quickly.
Can two people float in one tank?
Our Floataround luxury pools are large enough for couples to float together. At this time we do not offer couples floating but may accommodate assisted floating for an adult with an aged parent with limited mobility.
Will I get hot or cold in the water?
No, you will not feel either hot or cold. The thermostat in the floatation therapy pool regulates the temperature of the water to 95º F, which is the temperature of the surface of the skin, creating the feeling of truly floating in space.
Are there situations in which I will not be permitted to use the floatation pool?
We will not allow you to float if you have any of the following conditions:
Infectious skin or respiratory disorders.
Open wounds.
Epilepsy or serious mental conditions.
A high-risk pregnancy.
Have colored or permed your hair within 7 days (the solution in the tank could potentially fade/discolor your hair). If you have a bright color (such as red), you will have to wait until no color bleeds when washing.
Due to the nature of hair dye, we are not permitted to let those with jewel tones float. These colors tend to bleed into the pool, discoloring the water as well as the pool itself.
Use of self tanner (spray tanning included) as the artificial colors bleed and discolor pool water.
Under the influence of any drug or alcohol.
Under 18 without parental presence.
We expect you to inform us of any conditions for your own safety and the safety of other floaters! We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
How are the floatation pools kept clean and disinfected?
There are 1,323 pounds of medical grade Epsom salt dissolved in each of our luxury pools. The high salinity of Epsom salt kills 99.9% of bacteria in the water, and no living microorganisms can survive in there. Even so, we continuously monitor the water and add the specific amount of salt to maintain a constant water hygiene. After each session, the entire volume of the solution is pumped out and filtered through a 50-micron filtration and sterilization system utilizing Ultra Violet (UV) light and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). UV is the safest most effective system available. It maintains the water’s soft, clean and crystal clear appearance. In addition, all clients are required to shower prior to entering the floatation pools and afterwards. The water in our floatation pools is hundreds of times more sanitary than the normal swimming pool or hot tub.
Will my skin get wrinkly?
No. The high Epsom salt content of the water means that the water will not draw the salt from your skin and cause wrinkles like a long bath does. Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a medicinal treatment for various skin conditions. It is non-toxic and is not harmful if swallowed (although it does not taste good!). Epsom salt is actually quite nourishing for the skin, which may feel silky smooth after your floatation therapy session.
I’m pregnant. Is floatation therapy safe?
Absolutely! In fact, pregnant women probably get more relief from floatation therapy than anyone else. Just lying on a bed can be extremely uncomfortable for a woman in the later stages of pregnancy due to the massive gravitational strain placed on the body. Floatation therapy is a wonderful haven for pregnant women. There is often comment about the ‘mirror effect’ of the baby floating in the womb of the mother, and the mother floating in the womb of the tank and the spiritual/communal pleasure for the mother. Therefore, deepening her connection with her baby. However, we do recommend that pregnant women avoid floatation therapy during the first trimester. If you have any concerns about the effects of floatation therapy on your pregnancy, consult with and get permission from your physician before you try floatation therapy.
Can I float if I’m menstruating?
Of course, just follow the same protocol you would for a swimming pool.
What will a floatation therapy session do to treated hair?
The salt solution should be just fine for colored/treated hair. In fact, it may make it feel smoother. However, we suggest that you wait a minimum of one week after you dye your hair with browns (It may be longer for bright colors and if your hair color is still “running”. Please do a towel test at home by toweling your hair after you wash; if color comes off on your towel, you cannot float in our pools) before you use a floatation therapy pool. Our waiver states that if we need to replace our water due to contamination, which includes dyes, you will be charged $1,500. So, thank you for waiting to float. Blondes seem to be fine after a wash or two. People who have had some forms of hair-straightening treatment (ex. with keratin) and extensions should not float because the salt may disrupt the treatment. If you have dreadlocks, you won’t be able to float if they are waxed or treated.
Should I eat before a floatation therapy session?
A heavy meal before floatation therapy is not suggested. However, you also don’t want to hear your stomach growling.
Will I have Epsom Salt stuck in my ears?
No. Earplugs are provided to enhance your floatation therapy experience. However, not everyone chooses to wear them. We recommended rinsing your ears out with water after each floatation therapy session.
Should I arrive early for my floatation therapy session?
You should aim to arrive around 10-15 minutes beforehand to park, check in and shower before your floatation therapy session begins. If you’d like to take advantage of oxygen aromatherapy please arrive 30 minutes early.
What effects does floatation therapy have on the mind?
The deep mental relaxation initiated by floatation therapy allows the brain to produce a greater amount of theta waves. This increases mental clarity, creativity, imagery, and memory. In addition to a reduction of cortisol, the release of endorphins induces the feeling of elevated mood states. Therefore, this is effective in helping alleviate anxiety, depression, and negative mental habits. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, is also decreased.
I suffer from high levels of stress and pain. Will floatation therapy help?
ABSOLUTELY! We see people find relief from pain and stress every day. There are volumes of research supporting floatation therapy as an effective treatment for ailments like: chronic stress, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, MS, anxiety, severe back pain, PTSD, insomnia and much more.
Can my minor child under the age of 18 float?
Yes! Children need to relax and reboot, too! Most children have never experienced a life without technology and nonstop stimulus. Floating can also benefit children who play sports, have anxiety or are under stress and more. We do allow minors 16-17 to float when their parent and them fill out the first-time waiver together! For those under 16, we take it on a case-by-case basis. For very young children or for a young teen’s first float, we do allow floating while the parent is in our center, please call us to make arrangements.
I experienced vaginal stinging with my float. Is that normal?
For some reason, some women (mostly girls in puberty and women going through menopause) experience vaginal stinging. While we aren’t 100% sure why this happens, it has been proposed that it can be hormonal and can fluctuate. If you get in the pool and experience stinging, we recommend you immediately shower the salt off and apply generous amounts of A&D (you can call us via Pool buzzer to bring more if needed) and try again. For young women floating (under 16), we recommend moms having this discussion prior to coming to float for the first time to ensure a good experience.